About Me

Hi, I’m Caleb.

I am a documentary filmmaker from Tucson, Arizona where I currently live with my wife and one-eyed cocker spaniel, Willie. I earned my film degree from the University of Arizona, where I made lots of short films and music videos. After college, I lived in Los Angeles for 3 years working in the film industry in the costume department and art department, as well as directing my own music videos in my spare time.

Since 2020, I have focused on music-based documentaries. My approach to documentary filmmaking is to tell stories as wild, exciting, and interesting as possible, by whatever means necessary.

I created a docuseries called Pima County Punk that really set my interest for non-fiction filmmaking on fire. That led me to working with Daddio Records on a full-length documentary with my favorite band, Squad Five-O, which is currently being edited!

I am passionate about helping small businesses and musicians cut through the social
media hangups and post content that is meaningful, story-based, and designed to drive


Let’s Make Something